5 Beauty Hacks; part two

I have more beauty hacks that I sometimes do. So I decided to do another post about beauty hacks. Here is the second part of the beauty hacks.
Hope you find something that you could start to do :)

#1 Put your facemask in the fridge  
I love cold facemasks. This makes your face more refreshing and it reduces puffiness on your skin. It also makes your blood circulation better when the mask is cold. By the way, this Garnier Skinactive - Glow shot mask was amazing! The packaging was different and unique. The scent was really good,  gave a nice glow and it moisturized the skin.

#2 Face shaving
Face shaving is good for your skin and it makes your foundation look more flawless. When you shave your face you get all the peach fuzz off and you get a smooth skin. I like to use an eyebrow razor for this. I only shave my jaw line and a little bit of my cheeks. I do this once a month. It's easy and quick to do. I like to do it at night because it removes the top layer of the skin (dead skin) and it also exfoliates the skin. After I have shaved I like to apply my moisturizer. The moisturizer absorbs to the skin nicely because the dead skin is gone. After using the razor I clean it up with alcohol or hand sanitizer so it can be used again.

If you like to try it then remember to use a light hand and shave downwards. Also be really careful that you don't get cuts.

#3  Use chapstick to take of matt lipstick
If you can't get your matt lipstick of easily you have to try this. You only need to rub chapstick (any chapstick works) to your  lips and then just wipe your lips with a cloth or makeup wipe. I like to use Face halo because it is the best! Lipstick comes of so easily and it doesn't take a long time. Also your lips will thank you because you don't take the lipstick off harshly.

#4 Cold spoon for your under eyes.
If you don't have under eye patches and you have puffy under eyes this is a great way to get rid of them. You only have to put a spoon into the freezer at night and in the morning it is nice and cold. When you get them out of the freezer you just have to move it under your eyes for 2-3 minutes.

#5 Use an eyelash curler to make a clean cut crease
This hack is great if you are a beginner or just want to simply do a quick and clean cut crease. You just have to place your eyelash curler to the place you want your cut crease to be. Then take the color you want to use on to a blending brush and then just start placing the shade on the crease. This hack makes the cut crease really even and precise.



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